Master the Future of Sales with SugarCRM 2024!

Friday, 18 de October de 2024

In the dynamic realm of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), SugarCRM has taken a bold step into the future with its Checker CRM platform. In this article, we’ll delve into the latest updates that will make the experience for administrators, sellers, and service reps even more seamless and efficient.

1. New Design for an Intuitive Experience

The navigation bar has undergone a noticeable shift, moving from the top of the screen to the left side. This strategic change streamlines access to key modules for sellers. A noteworthy enhancement that makes a difference!

2. Centralized Search for Added Convenience

The search bar, now located in the center, has been highlighted for easy use. Where to find it? Right here, in an easily accessible spot. This improvement is designed to maximize your workspace and speed up your daily tasks.

3. Twitter Elements and New Open Icon

Twitter elements are now integrated into the left-hand navigation bar or menus. Additionally, you’ll discover a new open icon here. Simply click to access additional modules beyond those anchored in your main view.

4. Module Customization for a Tailored Experience

You’re in full control! You can change the modules at the top of the left-hand navigation bar according to your preferences. Just select the module in your user profile and click the up arrow to move it to the top.

5. Icon and Color Changes to Align with Your Organization

Make SugarCRM align with your organization’s identity. Choose icons from our Sugar Icons library and customize colors to suit your needs. However, please note that custom icons are not supported at this time.

6. Use of Abbreviations Instead of Icons

For a more compact display, you can opt to use abbreviations instead of icons. These abbreviations consist of two-letter text and background colors, providing an efficient and aesthetically pleasing alternative.

In summary, these updates to the SugarCRM user interface promise a smoother and more customizable experience. Explore the new design and make the most of the enhanced features. For additional questions or feedback on the SugarCRM UI, we invite you to use this link! Also, stay informed about upcoming changes to Sugar Market. Get ready for the future of sales with SugarCRM 2024!

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