Does sugarcrm have an api?

Sunday, 8 de September de 2024

SugarCRM is a customer relationship management software that provides a RESTful and SOAP API to enable communication between different applications and platforms. The RESTful API is a core component of Sugar that defines how all information is exchanged within the system. The SugarCRM RESTful API allows developers to interact with SugarCRM data using HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.

API documentation generated by SugarCRM is available at In addition, SugarCRM’s marketing automation platform, Sugar Market, also provides a self-serving RESTful API that exposes the core entities of the platform.

SugarCRM’s RESTful API offers a variety of endpoints to interact with SugarCRM data. Some examples of endpoints include:

  • /Reports/:record/record_count GET: An endpoint to get the total number of records filtered from a saved report.
  • /rest/v11/:module/:record GET: An endpoint to get a specific record from a specific module.

How to use sugarcrm api?

To use the Sugar CRM API, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Authentication: Sugar uses OAuth2 for authentication. A POST request must be made to /rest/<version>/oauth2/token with the following parameters:
  • grant_type: Request type. Available request types are password and refresh_token.
  • client_id`: Client ID.
  • client_secret`: Client’s secret key.
  • username`: Sugar username.
  • password`: Sugar password.
  • platform`: Name of the platform being used.

2. Identify the desired endpoint: The SugarCRM RESTful API offers a variety of endpoints to interact with SugarCRM data. The desired endpoint for interacting with SugarCRM data should be identified.

3. Make the request: Once authenticated and with the endpoint identified, the request can be made using HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods.

It is important to note that the API documentation generated by SugarCRM is available at and that the SugarCRM RESTful API provides a variety of endpoints to interact with SugarCRM data. In addition, the latest version of the RESTful API specific to the version of SugarCRM being used should be used.

In summary, SugarCRM offers a RESTful and SOAP API to enable communication between different applications and platforms. SugarCRM’s RESTful API allows developers to interact with SugarCRM data using HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests, and offers a variety of endpoints to interact with SugarCRM data.

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